usually referring to a car machine that is old and in bad condition
I really wanted a new car, but I have no money right now. All I can afford is a cluncker.
To not have two nickels to rub togher: to be poor 아주 가난하다/돈이 없다
When my grandparents first came to the United States, all they had were te clothes on their backs. They didn't have two nickels to rub together.
영어 이디엄
During colleage, when I didn't have two nickles to rub together, I survived off of ramen noodles for months at a time.
Low-hanging fruit: The easies problems to solve or goals to attain
가장 풀기 쉬운 문제/달성하기 쉬운 목표
I need to save more money si I had to find ways to spend less. One piece of low-hanging fruit was making coffee at home instead of going to a coffee shop.
영어표현 low hanging fruit
To get a grip on:
To gain some control over a situation or emotions 침착하게 문제를 파악하고 해결방법을 찾기 시작하다
Out city has a high unemployment rate. The city fovernment needs to get a grip on our economic situation.
I find that I make mistakes and it impacts the our team kpis. I try to get grip on the situation to make it up for. to get grip on
To make a Starbucks run: to go out and buy Starbucks 스타벅스에서 커피 사다
Guys, I'm making a lunch run. Does anyone want me to bring something back?