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[Create campaigns - apple search ads 공부]

by Melony_22 2021. 5. 29.

[Create campaigns - apple search ads 공부]


Apple search ads 에 대해서 전반적으로 정리하려고 포스팅을 끄젹여보아요


하나, Create campaigns

Prepare to start your first campaign


App Store search results - Groups and keywords

(which you select based on your golas for the cmapaign)



Prepare to start your first campaign

-Apple ID associated with your App Store Coonect account ready

-Have an app live on the App Store

-Choose the countries and regions where you want to promote your app

-Know how much you can spend

-Sign up for an Apple Search Ads account

-Add a valid credit card.


이쯤 정리했는데, Basic 으로 캠페인 진행할겨라고 해서 다시 넘어가요

Apple search ads 는 basic, advanced 두 가지가 있는데, 


Apple Search Ads Basic is ideal for developers with limited time to promote their app or who don't need all the features of Apple Search Ads Advanced. For budgets up to 10,000 user per app, per month.



[Basic 은 아주 간단한 셋팅을 하기 때문에, 자료가 없어요 그래서 다시 Advanced  자료를 공부해야겠어요]


How Apple Search Ads works


You can promote your apps at the top of App Store search results or reach customers before they search with an ad on the Search tab.



Who can use Apple Search Ads Advanced?

In order for your app to be eligible for Apple Search Ads in a particular market, it must be availble for purchase or download on the App Store there and Apple Search Ads must be availble in that country or region.


See countries and regions where Apple Search Ads is available>


What’s the difference between Apple Search Ads Basic and Advanced?

  Basic Advanced
How it works No keywords or audience refinements choose keyowrds and audiences for your ads
set the max you want to pay for a tap based on customer value or other KPI
Ad Placement   Run at the top of App Store search results
App Store Search tab at the top of the suggested apps list
Payment pay only for installs  Pay only when a user taps your ad in search results
CPM bid - for ads on the Search tap
Management CPI mange by keyword and audience type to ROI goals
API Ads Attribution API value and manage at scale with APIs
Max Monthly Budget UP to $10,000 us per app, per month unlimited
App promotions up to 50 apps promote an unlimited number of apps


How ads are created


your app name, app icon, and subtitle are used.

Search results ads user your app name, subtitle, description, preview videos, and screenshots.


you can use Creative Sets to create more ad variations that leverage additional App Store assets and align to your ad group keyword themse or audiences.

(you can't change the way your ad looks or upload your own ad design)



optimizing your App Store product page.

-Plan to align with app updates.

-Monitor product page changes.

-Maintain the required number of images.


  • iPhone: Four or more assets for portrait and two or more for landscape
  • iPad: Three or more assets for portrait and two or more for landscape

Know that the order in which you upload images matters.


iPhone example: If you have a set with four assets — ABCD — possible ads would be combinations of ABC, ABD, ACD, and BCD, but CBA isn’t a valid combination.



How to make new Creative Sets


Creative Sets best practices


Align to ad group keyword themes

Align to audience types

Use the same assets across display sizes

  1. Upload assets for iPhone 6.5” and 5.5” displays.
  2. Upload the optional iPhone 5.8” display assets.
  3. Upload assets for iPad 12.9” display.

Carefully choose assets for your Creative Sets



Manage ad groups


You can set specific criteria and max CPT or CPM bid amounts for each ad group within a campaign.

Ad groups are an effectie way to define who sees your ad.



Set and adjust budgets


Your campaign will run until you exhuaset your budget, pause your cmapign, or reach the end data you set.


You can add to your campaign budget and adjust any daily spend cap at any time to ensure your ads keep running

Note: You can't decrease your budget once your campaign has started.


How to set or adjust your


cost-per-acquisition goal


Understand bids


Suggested bid range

Bid strength


Add and manage keywords


How to choose keywords for search results campaigns

Each ad group can contain up to 5000 keywords.  you can bulk upload up to 5000 rows in the spreadsheet at a time.



Think like your customers.

Try both general and specific keywords.

Consider putting discovery, generic, competitor, and brand keywords in separate ad groups.


Understand match types


Broad match

Exact match

Examples of match types used with a keyword



오늘은 이정도까지 정리를 해보겠어요 그래도 패스트 캠퍼스에서 들은 강의등을 바탕으로 조금은 맛을 보았기 때문에

막 두렵지는 않아요 오히려 준비했었기 때문에 신나고 설렌답니다

이제 6월이니까 슬슬 워밍업하면서 준비를 해야겠어요 '-' 


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