출근10분전 영어 | EBS입트영
출근10분전 영어 | EBS입트영
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2021.08.19 - [2021독서] - 영어혼자공부하기|EBS영어|입트영
출근10분전 영어 | EBS입트영
재밌는 주제들이 너무 많아요 오늘은 21년5월호 중에
제가 선호하는 직장인들이 넘나 즐겁게 학습할 수 있는 주제 공유해드릴게요
safety at workplace
사업장 근로 안전
출근10분전 영어 | EBS입트영
safety at workplace
입트영은 전주 복습 내용 패턴도 잘 구성되어 있어서 예문+ 표현 연습도 잘 할 수 있어요
직장생활 하면서 사용할 만한 표현들이 많아서 정리하고 + 구글내용도 더해서 소개 해드릴게요
출근10분전 영어 | EBS입트영
safety at workplace
Break the bank 의미를 생각해보세요~~~
break the bank
- INFORMAL"Christmas need not break the bank"
- cost more than one can afford.
In most cases, going to a clinic or *a hospital won't break the bank.
It would break the bank to buy everyone gifts.
It would break the bank to pay in installments every time.
출근10분전 영어 | EBS입트영
safety at workplace
Think nothing of ~
문장을 드릴 게요 생각해보세요!
People think nothing of visiting a clinic even for light cold symptoms.
어떤 의미가 떠오르시나요~?
저는, 가볍게 생각한다? 큰일로 생각안한다
consider (an activity others regard as odd, wrong, or difficult) as straightforward or normal.
"ordinarily, our elected representatives would think nothing of spending another $20 billion"
People in Korea think nothing of eating really spicy foods.
People in Korea think nothing of being naked at the sauna with strangers.
여러분 작문 할 때 꿀팁! grammarly 사용하시면 바로바로 수정해준답니다
출근10분전 영어 | EBS입트영
safety at workplace
look into~
어떤 의미 인지 상상되시나요? 문장 드릴게요~
I looked into some hotels in the area, but they were all too expensive.
찾아봤는데~ 이런거 아닐까?
look into
phrasal verb of look
- investigate something.
- "the police looked into his business dealings"
I should look into apple search ads documents.
I started to look into the matter.
출근10분전 영어 | EBS입트영
safety at workplace
resonate with someone~
문장 드릴게요~~
His speech resonated with his supporters.
클릭 후 구글 translation 발음 들어보세요
: to have particular meaning or importance for someone: to affect or appeal to someone in a personal or emotional way. See the full definition for resonating in the English Language Learners Dictionary.
The book resonated with me at the time.
책 리뷰에 남긴 코멘트
This book resonated with me on so many levels and has principles that anyone can start applying to their lives immediately.
출근10분전 영어 | EBS입트영
safety at workplace
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